Verge systems

Our dry-fix verge systems provide durability, wind loading resistance and rain resistance and are quick and easy to install.
Private House Inverness - Mini Stonewold - Dry Verge

High resistance to storm damage.

Our dry-fix verge systems are quick to install and maintenance-free. With a unique four-point fixing system they provide high resistance to rain, wind and storm damage, at the same time as creating a streamlined verge line for your roof. 

Specially engineered drainage channels and water management prevent water streaking onto gable ends. BMI Redland verge systems are designed to be laid at variable gauges as needed and exceed requirements of BS 8612.

Main features

  • Fully compliant with BS 8612, BS 5534 and NHBC guidelines

  • Dry fix

  • Specially designed for hardiness and good water management


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